View Source Bonfire.Tag.Tags (Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.108)



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cast(changeset, attrs, creator, opts)

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For using on changesets (eg in epics)

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list_trending(in_last_x_days \\ 30, limit \\ 10)

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many(filters \\ [], opts \\ [])

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Retrieves a list of tags by arbitrary filters. Used by:

  • Various parts of the codebase that need to query for tags (inc. tests)
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maybe_find_tag(current_user, id_or_username_or_url, types \\ nil)

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Try to find one (best-match) tag

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maybe_find_tags(current_user, id_or_username_or_url, types \\ nil)

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Search / autocomplete for tags by name

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maybe_lookup_tag(id_or_username_or_url, prefix \\ "@")

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Lookup a single for a tag by its name/username

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maybe_put_tree_parent(changeset, category, creator)

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maybe_tag(user, thing, tags \\ nil, boost_category_mentions? \\ true)

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Maybe tag something

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maybe_taxonomy_tag(user, id)

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one(filters, opts \\ [])

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Retrieves a single tag by arbitrary filters. Used by:

  • GraphQL Item queries
  • ActivityPub integration
  • Various parts of the codebase that need to query for tags (inc. tests)
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search_hashtag(text, opts \\ [])

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search_hashtag_query(text, opts)

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tag_something(user, thing, tags, boost_or_label_category_tags? \\ true)

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tag existing thing with one or multiple Tags, Needle, or anything that can be made into a tag