View Source API Reference bonfire_umbrella v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.62


Supports use of GraphQL documents from with app containing the Absinthe schema

Entrypoint to the ActivityPub API for processing incoming and outgoing federated objects (normalising, saving the the Object storage, passing them to the adapter, and queueing outgoing activities to be pushed out).

An ActivityPub Actor type and functions for dealing with actors.

Contract for ActivityPub module adapters

Handles fetching AS2 objects from remote instances.

Module for building and performing HTTP requests.

Specifies connection options for HTTP requests

Rate limit middleware for Tesla using Hammer Based on TeslaExtra.RateLimit and TeslaExtra.RetryAfter

Helper functions for building HTTP requests

Takes into account the Retry-After header returned by the server when the rate limit is exceeded.

Defines the contract used by federation implementations to publish messages to their peers.

This module normalises outgoing data to conform with AS2/AP specs and handles incoming objects and activities

Serves and fetches data (mainly actor URI) necessary for federation when only the username and host is known.

Helpers for workers to use

Instances context.

Filter activities depending on their origin instance

Prunes objects from the database.

The worker to prune old data from the database.

Contains queries for Object.

This module contains some useful functions for containing objects to specific origins and determining those origins. They previously lived in the ActivityPub Transformer module.

Handles RSA keys for Actors & helpers for HTTP signatures

Implementation for behaviour from HTTPSignatures library

Misc functions used for federation

The entrypoint for defining your web interface, such as controllers, views, channels and so on.

Endpoints for serving objects and collections, so the ActivityPub API can be used to read information from the server.

Conveniences for translating and building error messages.

Standard error view

Endpoints for the ActivityPub inbox

Ensures HTTP signature has been validated by previous plugs on ActivityPub requests.

The Json scalar type allows arbitrary JSON values to be passed in and out. Requires { :jason, "~> 1.1" } package:

Information about this page's relation to a larger result set

GraphQL Plug to add current user to the context

Helpful functions for preparing to query or test Absinthe applications.

Encapsulates the flow for resolving a field in the absence of multiple parents.

Encapsulates the flow for resolving a field for potentially multiple parents.

Encapsulates the flow of resolving a page in the presence of a single parent. We also currently use this as a stopgap while we finish implementing some things, trading speed for correctness.

Encapsulates the flow of resolving a page in the presence of a single parent. We also currently use this as a stopgap while we finish implementing some things, trading speed for correctness.

Encapsulates the flow of resolving a page in the absence of parents.

A mixin used to record parent/child relationships between categories (eg. a topic that belongs to a group) and between objects and categories (eg. a post was published in a topic)

This module contains general functions for handling files, and also an Ecto schema which is a multimixin for storing one or more media attached to a Pointable object.

Saves uploaded files as attachments to the post.

Fetch and save metadata of URLs

Uploader for larger images, for example, a profile page banner.

Extension to Waffle.Definition, adding support for checking against media types parsed through magic bytes instead of file extensions, which can be modified by the user.

Uploader for larger images, for example, a profile page banner.

Resizes images at compile time (when possible) or runtime

Creates a changeset for publishing a page

Runs at compile-time to include dynamic strings (like verb names and object types) in localisation string extraction.

A way to have data seeds that work similarly to migrations.

GraphQL tag/category queries

A mixin used for adding tags to an object


  • iconify :string, required: false, static: true
  • icon :string, required: false, static: true
  • solid :string, required: false, static: true
  • outline :string, required: false, static: true
  • svg :string, default: nil, required: false, static: true
  • mode :atom, required: false, static: true
  • class :css_class, default: nil

ValueFlows implemented as a Bonfire extension.

Catch-all migrations intended to be used to initialise new Bonfire apps. Add any new up/down ecto migrations in VF modules to the bottom of these two functions.

Schema for proposal, using Needle.Pointable